Friday, May 18, 2012

 LIttle things in Life....

I believe life is in the details. Ongoing small gestures can mean so 

much more than one grand display of love. Simple pleasures 

throughout the day can be far more gratifying that one amazing 

weekend. When you connect the dots between all these little joys, 

life seems fuller and more satisfying.

Little things in Lyf

1) The smell after it rains

2) Sleeping on clean sheets

3)Using a clean and crisp towel

4) Old Couples

5) Opening a brand new book and feeling the new pages and the  smell

6) Flicking through old photographs

7) When someone remembers the things you say

8) An Old Couple

9) freshly baked bread

10) The sound of a kid's uncontrollable laughter

11) A smile from a stranger

12) Bed tea

13) when some one hugs you from behind :)

14) Laughing untill your stomach hurts

15) The smell of just shampoo'd hair

16) The cold side of the pillow

17) A child's unlimited imaginiation

18) Fresh Air

19) Seeing your loved one smile and knowing you put it there          

20) Star gazing

21) Seeing a baby laugh

22) Kisses on forehead

23) Hellos

24) a perfect cup of coffee/ tea

25) A new toothbrush

26) When your friends love your new hairstyle

27) Peeling off dried glue from ur fingers

28) Just waxed hands

29)Wearing your pyjamas all day

30) Falling asleep while talking to him/her on the phone <3

31) Writing on the 1st page of a notebook

32) Smiling in the middle of a kiss

33) When someonez laugh is funnier than the joke

34) When the weather feels just right

35) Knowing all the lyrics of a song

36) Walking barefoot on sand/grass

37) The excitement of your pet when you come home

38) Your favourite part of a song

39) A Warm towel after a shower

40) The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth

41) Watching someone you love Sleep :)

42) The tininess of baby clothes and shoes

43) Being the 1st to applaud in the audience

44) A fragrance or a perfume that reminds you of a good memory and u smile to yourself :)

45) The smell of fresh laundry

46) Discovering a new song and instantly falling in love with it, and hearing it on repeat mode :)

47) letting your hair down after its been tied up all day!

48) Getting a hug from a little kid

49) Reading your fav book

50) Going to bed knowing you can sleep as long as you want *BLISS*

51) Sunrises/ Sunsets

52) Being surrounded by the people you love

53) The way the sun shines on water

54) Seeing a nearby stranger laugh at you and your friend's conversation

55) Tears from laughing so hard

56) When a baby smiles at you

57) The feeling when waves touch your feet and go at the sea shore

58) Rain drops hitting your face when you are on a bike and its pouring.

59) Silence that isnt awkward

60) Random acts of kindness

61) When someone tells you that you smell nice

62) When he looks in to your eyes and smiles ::) <3

63) When he plays with your hair

64) A hug when you need one the most

65) Home made sweets at festivals

67) Diyas lit in the eveings outside houses during diwali

68) Finding a song that describes exactly how you feel

69) Sitting down after being on your feet all day.

70) An Ice cold drink on a hot day

71) Finding money you dint know you had

72) Good morning /Good night texts

73) Hearing that you were in someone's dreams

74) Not being able to finish a sentence because you are laughing so hard about the ending

75) Finally remembering a word you had at the tip of your tongue.

76) Making eye contact with a person who knows what you are thinking without saying a word.

77) The smell of your skin after a shower

78) Having all the ingredients you need for a recipe

79) jeans that fit perfectly

80) Perfectly painted nails

81) When the signal turns green even before you brake

82) The chocolate at the bottom of an icecream cone

83) Making up with someone after a fight

84) Getting a compliment you never received before.

85) Sleeping for those 5 mins when you've put your alarm on snooze

86) when something you like goes on sale

87) Coming home to the smell of good food

88) The moment when you find a comfortable sleeping position

89) Recalling good memories with close friends

90)Driving on an empty road

91) Going for the 1st day 1st show of a movie

92) Being in a  great mood for no particular reason
93) Waking up on ur birthday

94) Having time for yourself

95) When someone defends you in an arguement

96) When a person feels the same as you do.

97) When a person hugs back tighter

98) When your phone rings and its the person you were hoping it'd be

99) handwritten messages inside a greeting card

100) Feeling someone take your hand in to thiers and holding it tight.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

We never value what we have until it goes away.

I always want things which I don’t have , and then when I get them I am happy for sometime and then I tend to get bored of them.

Simple things in life, like our bed, the house we stay in, food we eat everyday, I mean all this do u ever think about it and value it?? Trust me we don’t, because its always taken for granted.

Have you ever gone a day without food, like been really busy that you didn’t get time to eat or imagined what it would be like sleeping on a really cold winter night without your favourite blanket? Think of the times when u suddenly wake up in the middle of the night just to find urself shivering and then you snuggle up with your blanket as close to you as possible. What if we cudnt find that blanket one night? How restless we wud get? And then probably learn to value the small things in life.

Just felt like writing here about my ma, i was super duper addicted to her, i would throw tantrums, expect her to do everything for me, right from feed me , to dress me up, when i was a kid, like even put me to sleep, sit next to me when i was eating, at times even tell her to feed me, make her sit next to me when i was doing my home work, jus trouble her so much, not listen to her when she told me to change my uniform after i came from school, she would yell her throat out, but i would give her a deaf ear. All of that, and more.. i was jus a kid then probably 12 years old, wasn’t as mature to understand her, i wouldn’t let her out of my sight even for a min, I wanted her to be around all the time, I would even sleep next to her most of the times. She would get annoyed but then after all she was a mother, she took up all my tantrums with a smile on her face, i still can remember her caress thru my hair when she used to put me to sleep, i used to ask her to tell me stories. I feel i troubled her so much , but even loved her more than anything in this whole world and still do.....

And then one day she left.... perhaps god loved her more than me, and needed her there because as I know her she was a pure soul... she left us and went, i was hardly 13, was a lil girl, not even mature enough to take my own decisions. I learnt to do things on my own after that, and only when she wasn’t around me i started to value her, i missed every little thing about her, everything that i did with her around. Its only when you have something and its no more there with you, you realise its importance.

So jus wanted to say value the simple things in life, our family, people who love us, friends who knows what tomorrow is like? things like the view from ur apartment, the food we eat, the cool wind , the weather, live as if there was no tomorrow, love everyone, spread smiles, spread happiness, make others smile, do good to others, help the ones in need if you can.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NO more exams!!! Yayy


Exams have always been an important part of all our lives... right from school days; it has been the same jitters down the spine before an exam!! How much ever I study I always have had those goose pimples and nervousness before an exam, even if it was the easiest paper or my favourite subject.

Sleepless nights, cups n cups of coffee, gtalk, n yahoo messengers on, simultaneously chatting with friends asking them how much they finished. Studying, studying, studying and then leaving out some stuff as option :P Sigh!!

And for me I have to read and revise right till the moment I get in to the examination room, my friends make fun of me telling me to stop studying, but I don’t know I just can’t close the book until I am forced to :p I feel I will forget whatever I have studied if I don’t look through it just before the exam.

Anyways the reason I write this blog today is because finally I will be answering the last exam of my academic career day after. I always dreamt of this day when I wont ever have to write exams any more. And finally I have come close to it. Yayyyy. I feel so delighted, so happy like its such a super duper feeling. :P

It is strange to think that that will be the last exam I will ever take as part of a formal education, one that has lasted 18 years of my life.

But as strange as it is... i am happy that one phase of my life is over... as this chapter comes to an end there is a new one waiting to start when i go back home. If you know what I mean ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Men are from mars and women are from Venus

People often say that women get carried away by their emotions that they tend to get over emotional and sentimental when it comes to any kind of issues. Men specially keep joking about women having mood swings and about how they can never fully understand the mind of a woman.

Well being one of the kind belonging to the feminine race I agree that women are weird and completely different from men. We think differently and react to situations differently than men. Our brains work differently. We are different physically, and these are all good aspects, also women are more emotional than men and this is nothing new to us, but when women get emotional they easily get tagged by the men as “ MOODY” and become a topic of humour for the men.

It is a universally accepted truth that men and women have different wavelengths in communication. Women develop their comfort zone with others by talks, talks n more talks.... they can go on and on.... This is for all the girls.. ..I bet you must have experienced this, We women are never out of topics to talk on. We can just go on and on and on..... We convey a lot through our expressions and simple words during our normal conversations. Women are more emotional than men and expect men to talk to them in an emotional language. But men however prefer to use short and direct expressions of words while communicating, and sometimes women feel that men are least bothered when they give half replies to texts or short replies. But its just that men are that ways, they prefer it simple , sweet and short

Relationships between men and women are not difficult, its just that problems arise when we start to expect a bit too much, it isn’t wrong but problems begin when we start to assume that the opposite sex should think, feel or act the same way as them. Its not that men and women live in different worlds, its just that we need to understand that we have to except each other’s differences, become aware of each one’s identities, we need to also understand that we are different mentally and our brains think and act differently on same situations, and GOD made us that way, and it is best not to challenge it. We must avoid trying to change others to suit our needs.

So stop trying to change ur MAN or WOMAN, instead cherish them for what they are, and make LOVE not WAR... J Because LOVE is the most beautiful feeling on earth.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Secret Wish ;)

All of us at some point in time in our lives have seen a shooting star and made a wish, or might have wished in a wishing well. Wishes we often make with broken eye lashes, while blowing our birthday candles, or even when we see just one star in the whole sky.

All of us make wishes and it is believed that such wishes can only come true if you keep them a secret from other people. It is also believed that if you wish for something with all your heart genuinely it comes true.

Everything is possible, if you believe in it. As a matter of fact all the beliefs that you have today are based on your past experiences. You can change your life like a click; all it takes is conviction and strong will power and determination.

We do not realise that our thoughts shape our tomorrow. We usually focus on what we want rather than what we do not want. In reality we receive what we focus on and this grows. Live in the present moment and travel further in to the future by focusing on what you want. Leave the past behind you, LET IT GO! It has gone, not in your control any more, but the future is. Look straight ahead.

Trust me if you want something real badly enough, nothing in the world can stop you from getting it. Do you remember a time when you desired something so badly and still didn’t get it? Consider for a moment that may be it is not time yet, may be you are not ready yet, or maybe you truly deep down in your heart don’t REALLY want what you think you do.

Give yourself a small gift. Just grab a pen and a notepad, sit down with a cuppa coffee or tea (for the tea lovers) and DEFINE your life goals. Think that you are a child, get in to the mood of a little kid, just imagine that everything is possible. Write down.

Write everything you would LOVE to do in life like

Swim with dolphins

Climb a mountain,

Take a ride in a hot air balloon

Scuba dive,

Own an island,

Learn to play the piano,

Learn to dance,

Fly a plane,

Lose weight and have that perfect body

Have the best hair days on all days,

Be the best gf/bf or Husband/wife

Spread love n smiles everywhere

Be successful in life

Make your parents proud

Be the good child

Be the best parent

Excel in your career

Etc etc

When you are done decide how soon you want to experience these things.

Then create deep inspiring reasons why these wishes are important to you.

Take immediate steps to pursue your goals. Procrastination and putting it off for tomorrow or thinking negatively about it, such as “I am not that lucky enough to deserve that” or I don’t think I’ll ever get it”

Tell GOD what your wish list is. Universe has a great sense of humour and humour has a great role in all our lives, it is very important. When was the last time you laughed with all your heart, until your stomach hurt?

Consider that maybe life is a game, games are supposed to be fun and the winner is the one who laughs the most! Seeing humour in life events will help get you through soooo much. The journey of life on earth is only as serious as you decide it to be.

Your life is the greatest movie you can imagine. What will it be from today on? Action, drama, adventure, tragedy, comedy, horror or romance? It's YOUR script. YOU are the star!

Do you have an awesome body, incredible health and energy, magical relationships, a spectacular career? Ok, how about a reflection you are really comfortable with, a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, empowering friendships, and work you look forward to?

Be whatever you want to be and be it with all your heart. Be playful, be outrageous, be unstoppable, be outstanding. Be daring, be brave, be spontaneous, be courageous. BE YOU! Start living from today.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dreaming of you...Where have u been?

I dream of u everyday n night.

miss me a bit u don’t .. right??

I wake up to think of you..

and keep seeing visions of u all day thru

crazy might have gone I

so much am I dreaming of you why?

Why do I get so restless and impatient?

But YOU with my memories r happy n content

I want to be there with you

Want to cuddle, hug n kiss

Not a moment of our precious love do I want to miss

I’ll wait for that day,

When we will finally meet

that one fateful day...

the moment when all will be joyful happy n gay

Time, distance and continents apart

But I know me n u are always close at heart

Monday, May 31, 2010

For ma

In every step of my life i will miss u ma,
Today i feel alone cuz you are not here..
Mother is a real friend for a laughter,
You and me can solve the pblm together,
That's why i miss u and miss u...

Only you are the best and perfect my dear ma,
You have gone but still your love and sweet memories are left in my heart...
I can't forget your smiling face and no one in the world can take ur prestigious place...
When you were with me really no sorrowful days came in my life..
That's why i miss u, i miss u and i miss u...i miss u loads

You were the precious gift for me given by God dear ma,
But why he called u up there i don't know...
My heart, my mind, my soul evrything needs you again....
But i know it is not possible for me to bring you back...
That's why i will deeply miss you till the end of my life....................
love u always n miss u loads