Friday, June 4, 2010

Secret Wish ;)

All of us at some point in time in our lives have seen a shooting star and made a wish, or might have wished in a wishing well. Wishes we often make with broken eye lashes, while blowing our birthday candles, or even when we see just one star in the whole sky.

All of us make wishes and it is believed that such wishes can only come true if you keep them a secret from other people. It is also believed that if you wish for something with all your heart genuinely it comes true.

Everything is possible, if you believe in it. As a matter of fact all the beliefs that you have today are based on your past experiences. You can change your life like a click; all it takes is conviction and strong will power and determination.

We do not realise that our thoughts shape our tomorrow. We usually focus on what we want rather than what we do not want. In reality we receive what we focus on and this grows. Live in the present moment and travel further in to the future by focusing on what you want. Leave the past behind you, LET IT GO! It has gone, not in your control any more, but the future is. Look straight ahead.

Trust me if you want something real badly enough, nothing in the world can stop you from getting it. Do you remember a time when you desired something so badly and still didn’t get it? Consider for a moment that may be it is not time yet, may be you are not ready yet, or maybe you truly deep down in your heart don’t REALLY want what you think you do.

Give yourself a small gift. Just grab a pen and a notepad, sit down with a cuppa coffee or tea (for the tea lovers) and DEFINE your life goals. Think that you are a child, get in to the mood of a little kid, just imagine that everything is possible. Write down.

Write everything you would LOVE to do in life like

Swim with dolphins

Climb a mountain,

Take a ride in a hot air balloon

Scuba dive,

Own an island,

Learn to play the piano,

Learn to dance,

Fly a plane,

Lose weight and have that perfect body

Have the best hair days on all days,

Be the best gf/bf or Husband/wife

Spread love n smiles everywhere

Be successful in life

Make your parents proud

Be the good child

Be the best parent

Excel in your career

Etc etc

When you are done decide how soon you want to experience these things.

Then create deep inspiring reasons why these wishes are important to you.

Take immediate steps to pursue your goals. Procrastination and putting it off for tomorrow or thinking negatively about it, such as “I am not that lucky enough to deserve that” or I don’t think I’ll ever get it”

Tell GOD what your wish list is. Universe has a great sense of humour and humour has a great role in all our lives, it is very important. When was the last time you laughed with all your heart, until your stomach hurt?

Consider that maybe life is a game, games are supposed to be fun and the winner is the one who laughs the most! Seeing humour in life events will help get you through soooo much. The journey of life on earth is only as serious as you decide it to be.

Your life is the greatest movie you can imagine. What will it be from today on? Action, drama, adventure, tragedy, comedy, horror or romance? It's YOUR script. YOU are the star!

Do you have an awesome body, incredible health and energy, magical relationships, a spectacular career? Ok, how about a reflection you are really comfortable with, a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, empowering friendships, and work you look forward to?

Be whatever you want to be and be it with all your heart. Be playful, be outrageous, be unstoppable, be outstanding. Be daring, be brave, be spontaneous, be courageous. BE YOU! Start living from today.


  1. I appreciate your words , they are coming in flow and really have positive outflow towards life
    Congratulation you are on right path ..

  2. Thats one inspiring post Pal.. We sure are our own script writers n stars and we the one tht our lifz gonna be action drama adventure romance..
    I feel it shud b all of it..a blend of all these..u get life once n u hv all d right to njoy every go ahead write ur own script and once done sit bk wid a box of popcorns n Njoii..!!
